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تفاصيل تحديث 1.09 المتوفر هذا اليوم على لعبة Call of Duty : Black Ops III

المحتوى الإضافي الثاني للعبة  Call of Duty : Black Ops III متوفر اليوم بشكل رسمي على جهاز بلايستيشن 4 ، لكن ليس هذا فقط فمن خلال هذه الحزمة أيضا حصلت اللعبة على تحديث جديد يحمل رقم 1.09 و في جعبته مجموعة هائلة من التحسينات ، أولها يهم أسلوب اللعب العادي كتحسين و إصلاح بعض المشاكل التي بلغ عنها اللاعبون سواء بطور اللعب الجماعي أو الزومبيز.

 لكن النصيب الأكبر في هذا التحديث كان هو تحسين أداء عدة أسلحة و ذلك بعد أن تم إضعافها من خلال عدة تحديثاث سابقة و إليكم أسفل المقال تفاصيل كل ما يقدم التحديث الجديد و ذلك إستنادا للموقع الرسمي للعبة ، هذا و قد تم كذلك تحسين مجموعة من السكورستريكات لكي تصبح لها فعالية و قوة أكثر داخل المباراة ،، تحياتي.



    Arena Season Vet Vanquisher Calling Cards should now properly unlock after meeting the required win total.
    Fixed an issue where the “Rank 1” Calling Card was being awarded again in the After-Action Report after winning an Arena match, despite the user already having the card.
    Earned Prestige Calling Cards now properly display within the Calling Cards menu.

General Gameplay

    Resolved issue where grey boxes were appearing in place of the NX ShadowClaw.
    Addressed exploit where Players were able to gain extra momentum at end of a slide.
    Added pre-match “Waiting for Players” message when Pre-Match settings are altered in Custom Games.
    Fixed issue where the HG 40 would appear as a large grey box if Players first entered a Zombies or Campaign game, and then went into Multiplayer.
    NX Shadowclaw bolts will no longer remain on the map if the Player is killed by explosive-based Scorestreaks.
    Players will no longer hear the whiz-by sound effect for NX Shadowclaw bolts throughout the map. This will only occur for Players near the bolt.
    Time window to obtain “Tag and Bag” Medals has been extended, and the Medals are now properly rewarded at the end of the Vision Pulse range.
    Fixed an error where double Winner’s Circles would appear if the top-scoring Player would quit the match just after the Host ended the game.
    Fixed issues with the BlackCell projectile not properly impacting UAV’s.
    Repeatable reload sounds are no longer heard when the NX Shadowclaw bolts hit surfaces near enemy Players.
    Resolved an issue where spawn trap logic was not being enabled in 2nd and 4th rounds of gameplay.
    Additional improvements to bot path selection and correction when becoming stuck.
    Fixed an issue where certain weapons could be fired faster than their intended fire rate.

Black Market

    Fixed issue where the wrong portrait image was appearing for Battery’s MMA Specialist Theme.
    Fixed an exploit where Players were able to obtain more Cryptokeys than intended by manipulating game lobbies.


        Increased starting Scorestreak amount from 100 to 150.


        Reduced Specialist earn rate in the Hardpoint Gametype.
        Reduced accuracy when firing un-zoomed.
        Reduced ammo count from 120 to 100.
        Increased First Raise speed.
        Increased ADS speed.
        Increased sprint recovery speed.
        Increased ammo count from 8 to 10.
        Reduced leftover Power when Spectre is killed while Ripper is Active.
        Increased Overdrive earn rate.
        Increased Rejack earn rate.
        Increased Psychosis earn rate.
        Reduced Heat Wave earn rate.
        Reduced Kinetic Armor earn rate


    Submachine Guns
            Reduced 1-hit kill range in Hardcore Mode.
            Laser Sight bonus more aligned with bonus received on other SMGs.
            Reduced ADS movement, but no longer lose speed while firing.
            Reduced ADS movement, but no longer lose speed while firing.
            Removed speed reduction while firing.
            Increased ADS speed.
            Increased sprint recovery speed.
            Increased 5-hit kill range.
            Removed speed reduction while firing.
            Increased ADS speed.
            Increased sprint recovery speed.
            Increased ability to control recoil.
            Removed speed reduction while firing.
            Increased ADS speed.
            Removed speed reduction while firing.
            Increased 4-hit kill range.
            Reduced 1-hit kill range in Hardcore Mode.
            Increased 3-hit kill damage range.
    Assault Rifles
            Increased sprint recovery speed.
            Increased aim stability.
            Increased recoil stability.
            Increased recoil stability.
            Increased ADS Speed.
            Increased flinch stability.
            Rapid Fire now functions properly.
        MX Garand
            Increased fire rate, now performs better with Rapid Fire.
            Increased 1-hit kill range potential.
            Increased 3-hit kill range.
            Increased 1-hit kill range potential when hip-firing.
    Light Machine Guns
            Increased ADS out speed.
            Increased recoil stability.
            Increased tightness of bullet spread while ADS.
            Increased hip-fire accuracy.
            Increased ADS out speed.
            Increased recoil stability.
            Increased damage through light cover.
        48 Dredge
            Increased Fire Rate.
            Increased ADS out speed.


    Laser Sight
        Increased the accuracy bonus received from Laser Sight.
        Increased recoil stability.
        Increased recoil stability.
        Increased recoil stability.
    Ballistics CPU
        Increased recoil stability.


    Rolling Thunder
        Increased drone count.
        Increased entry speed.
    R.A.P.S. Deploy Ship
        Increased drone count per drop.
    R.A.P.S. Drones
        Increased movement speed of drones.


        Added additional spawn logic to mitigate spawn trapping.
        Closed up a line of sight through the wood pile outside of the barn.
        Fixed an issue where players could reach outside of the intended playspace.

Game Modes

        In Hardcore game modes, fixed an issue where the owner of a Care Package would be killed if a teammate stood under it during the first 15 seconds of a round.
        Adjusted positioning of objective markers inside of the Hardpoint zone to be more centralized.
        Improved the ability to pick up a dropped Satellite Drone.


    The challenge, “Hundred Percenter”, now properly appears when completing all of the Multiplayer challenges listed under Operations.
    Increased window of time to earn the “Tag and Bag” medal.
    Fixing an issue where players could earn the “Heat Stroke” medal when killing an enemy stunned by a teammate.



    Blocked an exploit that allowed the players to use the Death Machine indefinitely.
    Resolved an exploit allowing players to access unintended areas.
    Fixed a crash that could occur during a host migration while reviving teammates.
    Fixed an exploit where players would be able to keep their perks after being revived.
    Resolved an error that occurs when Prestiging in Zombies.
    Addressed a bug where the Rocket Shield icon wouldn’t disappear after being destroyed.
    Fixed a bug relating to certain attachments not working correctly with upgraded weapons.
    Addressed stability issues regarding cross-mode play in split screen.

Shadows of Evil

    Addressed an issue where players would rarely be killed while riding the train.
    Fixed several bugs with the Undead Man Walking GobbleGum.

Der Eisendrache

    Balance improvements for the Kreegakaleet lu Gosata’ahm and Kreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc bows.
    Addressed a number of exploits that allow extended use of the Ragnarok DG-4.
    Resolved a bug where the Ragnarok DG-4 would be put away before expiration.
    Addressed a variety of exploits where Players were able to exit the playable area.
    Fixed an issue where skulls would not appear after being collected during the bow upgrade quest.


    Fixed bug where COA’d enemy could persist past round exit and possibly kill player while screen was faded out.
    Fixed bug where scoreboard on subsequent Redins Rally play through was not completely cleared out.
    Increased weighting for karma points to determine winner in ROJ event.
    Fixed bug where a player in last stand could pick items up.
    Fixed bug where score multiplier got out of sync with multiplier increment bar on players fated with Fortune or Fortitude.
    Added new reoccurring challenge, Eight before Fate.
    Round no longer expires if a boss is still alive.
    Added animations to the Siege Chicken.